Prof. Dr. Tae-Lim Choi Appointed as Full Professor of Polymer Chemistry

At its meeting of 8 and 9 December 2021 and upon application of Joël Mesot, President of ETH Zurich, the ETH Board appointed Professor Tae-Lim Choi (*1977), currently Full Professor at Seoul National University, South Korea, as Full Professor of Polymer Chemistry in the Department of Materials.
Dr. Rolf Erni Has Been Awarded as Adjunct Professor

At its meeting of 8 and 9 December 2021 and upon application of Joël Mesot, President of ETH Zurich, the ETH Board appointed Dr Rolf Erni (*1974), currently Lecturer in the Department of Materials at ETH Zurich and Head of the Electron Microscopy Center at Empa, as Adjunct Professor at ETH Zurich.
Concurrent Control over Sequence and Dispersity in Multiblock Copolymers

The group of Polymeric Materials has developed a simple way to regulate both dispersity and sequence in highly complex multiblock copolymers and the results have been published in Nature Chemistry.
Athina Anastasaki Receives the Golden Owl 2021

Professor Athina Anastasaki, head of the laboratory of polymeric materials, wins the Golden Owl 2021 awarded by VSETH, for excellent teaching. Congratulations!
Claudia Sigel Awarded 1st Prize at PeKo Ideas Competition

Claudia Sigel was awarded for her idea of a platform on which technical and administrative staff could offer each other internal continuing education courses.
Manfred Fiebig elected into the Mainz Chapter of the German Academy of Sciences and Literature

On 5 November, Manfred Fiebig became a corresponding member of the "Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz". The academy is an interregionally oriented association of personalities from the fields of science, literature and music. It is a place of dialogue that focuses on interdisciplinary exchange.
Prof. Sheng Xu, UC Dan Diego, 2021 Materials Research Price for Young Investigators

Prof. Xu has made important contributions to the field of flexible electronics. Most recently, he invented a wearable ultrasonic technology that allows noninvasive monitoring of tissue far below the skin surface. He also developed new growth methods for materials used in flexible high-performance electronics.
Veronica Michel Receives the ETH Medal for her Outstanding Master's Thesis

The Materials Theory group is very pleased to announce that Veronica Michel receives this award for her Master's thesis "Interplay between Ferroelectricity and Metallicity in BaTiO3".
A protein droplet system that is as active and as concentrated as the cytoplasm

In their latest paper published on Nature Communications, researchers from the Soft and Living Materials group and their collaborators design a protein droplet system that is as active and as concentrated as the cytoplasm.
Palladium-Based Metallic Glass with High Thrombogenic Resistance

A collaboration between researchers at the ETH Zurich Laboratory of Metal Physics and Technology and Empa has shown that Pd-based metallic glass demonstrates thrombogenic resistance that is substantially higher than that of state-of-the-art Ti64. With its superior mechanical properties, the Pd-based glass is particularly interesting for blood-contacting, load-bearing medical devices. The results are presented in Advanced Functional Materials.
Shape-Controlled Nanoparticles from a Low-Energy Nanoemulsion

The group of Polymeric Materials, in collaboration with the group of Soft and Living Materials, have developed a low-energy nanoemulsion method to produce nanoparticles with various morphologies.
Manfred Fiebig awarded the 2022 Frank Isakson Prize for Optical Effects in Solids

Manfred Fiebig received the prize for pioneering nonlinear optical spectroscopy studies that led to a fundamental understanding of the emergence and coupling of electric and magnetic orders at the level of domains and domain walls. The prize will be awarded at the 2022 March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Chicago.
Enhancing Polymer Refractive Index with Plant-based Pigments

In the latest work published on Small, researchers from the Soft and Living Materials group, inspired by living organisms, demonstrate a simple method to dramatically increase the refractive index of commercial polymers.
Athina Anastasaki Appointed as an Associate Editor of Polymer Chemistry

Professor Athina Anastasaki, head of the laboratory of Polymeric Materials, has been appointed as an Associate Editor for Polymer Chemistry, a Royal Society of Chemistry Journal.
Materials Shapes the Ages

Materials have such a profound impact on humanity that we name entire historical ages after them.
Crowd Surfing on Micro-robotic Active Carpets

Soft magnetic carpets, created at Complex Materials lab, can transport heavy objects and liquids amphibiously, like cilia, and sort this cargo by size and shape.
ECIS Polymers Award for Alexandra Bayles

Dr. Alexandra Bayles, ETH fellow in the group of Soft Materials, was awarded the ECIS-Polymers Award for young scientist to acknowledge top level scientific activity of young researchers in the field of polymer physics, chemistry, or technology.
Colloid & Interface Science Award for Jan Vermant

The Colloid & Interface Science Award, sponsored by Solvay, is granted to a European scientist for original scientific work of outstanding quality, described in one or several publications, patents or other documents made public in the previous five years.
Reconfigurable Artificial Microswimmers with Internal Feedback

The group of Prof. Lucio Isa has pioneered the fabrication of reconfigurable artificial microswimmers incorporating soft thermoresponsive polymers. The particles, powered by AC electric fields, use light-induced temperature differences to change shape and dielectric properties, in order to adapt their propulsion. The work was possible thanks to a collaboration with D-MATL’s Prof. Martin Kröger and with the group of Prof. Angel Alegria CFM (Spain) via the EUSMI network.
Master’s Degree Graduation Ceremony – June 2021

Because of the Covid pandemic the Master’s degree graduation ceremony 2020 at D-MATL was postponed until June 2021, hoping that it would be possible to organize a ceremony in person rather than remotely. Unfortunately, it wasn’t yet possible to invite any guests, but the graduates were received at ETH Zürich for the ceremony.