Crowd Surfing on Micro-robotic Active Carpets
Soft magnetic carpets, created at Complex Materials lab, can transport heavy objects and liquids amphibiously, like cilia, and sort this cargo by size and shape.
Here, the bio-inspired magnetic cilia actuates and transports solid and liquids in a similar way as motile cilia, which is responsible of pathogen clearance in mammalian respiratory system. Our soft magnetic carpets could carry dense cargos many times their own weight. In addition, they can also induce liquid flow and local mixing.

Ahmet F. Demirörs, Sümeyye Aykut, Sophia Ganzeboom, Yuki A. Meier, Robert Hardeman, Joost de Graaf, Arnold J. T. M. Mathijssen, Erik Poloni, Julia A. Carpenter, Caner Ünlü, and Daniel Zenhäusern. Amphibious Transport of Fluids and Solids by Soft MagneticCarpets. Adv. Sci. 2021, 21025 10. external page DOI:10.1002/advs.202102510