Master’s Degree Graduation Ceremony – June 2021
Because of the Covid pandemic the Master’s degree graduation ceremony 2020 at D-MATL was postponed until June 2021, hoping that it would be possible to organize a ceremony in person rather than remotely. Unfortunately, it wasn’t yet possible to invite any guests, but the graduates were received at ETH Zürich for the ceremony.
Sara Morgenthaler Kobas

We congratulate the graduates and wish them the best for their future career! In addition, the following students were awarded with prizes for their outstanding achievements.

Enrico Scoccimarro received this year’s Willi Studer Prize for the best grade point average.

Kay Sanvito, Roman Flury and Aljoscha Baumann (from left to right) received the Materials Alumni Award for their extracurricular engagement for the benefit of the student body from Weyde Lin, president of the Materials Alumni Association.