Respect Code of Conduct – Contacts at D-MATL
The Department of Materials strives to maintain a respectful working environment that supports all members and guests in achieving their scientific and personal goals.
We encourage department members who encounter issues with their work environment to contact the Department Chair or Director of Studies, or any member of the Department Administration, as soon as they arise. In addition, the following colleagues are available to discuss problems in confidence:

left to right: Dr. Sara Morgenthaler (study coordinator), Dr. Robert Style (senjor scientist), Prof. Peter Walde (emeritus)
You can also contact the Counselling Helpdesk volunteers of SAM (Scientific Staff Association at D-MATL) via e-mail with your questions and concerns or set up a confidential face-to-face conversation. They are here to answer department- or employment-related questions and to help you find the right people to address in case of any kind of misconduct.

left to right: Maria-Nefeli Antonopoulou (PhD student), Jan Gerrit Horstmann (PostDoc)