Swirling Magnetic Order in Artificial Crystals

Mimicking Nacre Unveils New Insights for Developing Tougher Composite Materials

EUR 14 Million for Materials of the Future

Pietro Gambardella receives "Goldene Eule 2018"

Designer Liquid-Liquid Interfaces Made from Transient Double Emulsions

Nicola Spaldin: The woman who wants to persuade atoms

Structural Color Sensors: Tracking the Thermal History of Materials

André Studart appointed Full Professor

A Force of Nature: Jacob N. Israelachvili (1944-2018)

ETH Plus – Strategic Orientation 2017–2020

The Next Step for 3D Printing

Monopole-Induced Emergent Electric Fields in Ferromagnetic Nanowires

Claire Donnelly has been awarded the SPS Award in Computational Physics and the Werner Meyer-Ilse Memorial Award

Inverted Worlds in Multiferroics

Metastable Quasicrystal-induced Nucleation in a Bulk Glass-forming Liquid

Echos from the Quantum World

A New Chemical Design for The Surface of Biomaterials

MaP Graduate Symposium 2018

Prof. Nicholas Spencer named Fellow of the (US) Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers

Dieter Schlüter receives the International Award 2017 of the Society of Polymer Science Japan

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