ETH Plus – Strategic Orientation 2017–2020

In its role as a pioneering institution, the ETH Zurich aims to try new approaches, broaden horizons, develop new perspectives and thus play its part in ensuring that our country will be able to hold its own on the global stage – and not just in the short term. The Department of Materials is an active part of the future and has contributed or is part of three projects: SynMatLab: Laboratory for Multiscale Materials Synthesis, Materials for Robotics and RobotX: Center for intelligent Machines  

  • SynMatLab: Laboratory for Multiscale Materials Synthesis
    It is planned to build a first-class infrastructure for high-temperature crystal growth and for the synthesis of complex materials with new properties that are also of great interest to the Swiss industry.
  • Materials for Robotics
    A new initiative aims to close the gap between robotics and materials science and develop intelligent materials. A new professorship is to combine both areas and provide promising insights and solutions for the future.
  • RobotX: Center for intelligent Machines
    The aim of this initiative is to establish ETH Zurich as the world's leading robotics hub. A new research, education and training platform is to be established for the numerous existing robotics competencies of ETH Zurich.

More details: currently only in German

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