MaP Graduate Symposium 2018
The 13th edition of the MaP Graduate Symposium took place on 26 June 2018 at ETH Hönggerberg. Over 220 participants joined the symposium to discuss the latest achievements of early-career researchers in Materials and Processes from ETH Zurich, PSI and EMPA. Researchers of our Department were among the finalists and price winners.
The Department congratulates the winners of the MaP Award, Poster Award and Image Contest.
MaP Award 2018
- 1st: Dr. Hortense Le Ferrand (Complex Materials) for her thesis entitled “Magnetically-Driven Assembly of Bio-Inspired Multifunctional Composites”,
- finalist: Dr. Giulia Morgese (Surface Science and Technology) and Dr. Felix Rechberger (Multifunctional Materials)

MaP Award 2018 nominees Dr. Hortense Le Ferrand (winner), Dr. Giulia Morgese and Dr. Felix Rechberger, together with MaP Director Prof. André Studart (second from left).
Poster Award
- 1st: Marco Riccardo Binelli (Complex Materials)
Image Contest
- 1st: Marco Riccardo Binelli (Complex Materials)
- 3rd: Michael Hausmann (Complex Materials)