Artificial Spin Ice: A Ratchet Made of Tiny Magnets
A novel functional material based on magnetically coupled nanomagnets known as artificial spin ice has been created by researchers from Mesoscopic Systems (Prof. Laura Heyderman), the University of Glasgow and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). The collective behaviour of the system gives rise to a thermal ratchet, in which the average magnetisation rotates in a single direction – a chiral ice with potential applications in nanoscale devices such as nanomotors, actuators, sensors and data storage.
Prof. Bozhi Tian, University of Chicago, 2017 Materials Research Prize for Young Investigators
Prof. Tian has pioneered new chemical reactivity in inorganic nanowires to gain control of their morphology and make them biocompatible. This work has enabled new bioelectric measurements within cells.
"Best Presentation" of the ACS Controlled Radical Polymerization Symposium for Dr. Edmondo M. Benetti
The work by Dr. Edmondo M. Benetti on highly-confined controlled radical polymerizations, presented at the Controlled Radical Polymerization Session of the 254th American Chemical Society National Meeting (20-25th September 2017, Washington DC) was identified as the "Best Presentation" of the symposium.
KlarText Prize 2017 for Christian Mathis
Christian Mathis, former PhD student at Surface Science and Technology, was awarded the "KlarText – Prize for Science Communication". The price awards young scientists who have written a very good doctoral thesis and have summirized their results in an article that is generally comprehensible, logically structured and exiting.
Best Use of ARCHER Competition Winners
We are delighted that Dr. Chiara Gattinoni, post-doctoral researcher at the Materials Therory group, is amongst the winners of the EPSRC Best Use of ARCHER competition, which was run by EPCC on behalf of ARCHER.