Martin Kröger newly appointed Associate Editor of Polymers

ETH Globe Magazin 04/2017: Manufacturing Redefined

3D Printing of Bacteria into Functional Complex Materials

Claire Donnelly has been awarded the 2018 Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award in Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics

Colloidal Shuttles for Programmable Cargo Transport

Markus Niederberger receives "Goldene Eule 2017"

Nicola Spaldin receives the 2017 Mid-Career Researcher Award

Lise-Meitner-Lecture "New Materials for a New Age" by Nicola Spaldin

Shocking Colloidal Crystals

Translucent Nanoparticle-based Aerogel Monoliths as 3-Dimensional Photocatalysts for the Selective Photoreduction of CO2 to Methanol in a Continuous Flow Reactor

Artificial Spin Ice: A Ratchet Made of Tiny Magnets

Prof. Bozhi Tian, University of Chicago, 2017 Materials Research Prize for Young Investigators

"Best Presentation" of the ACS Controlled Radical Polymerization Symposium for Dr. Edmondo M. Benetti

KlarText Prize 2017 for Christian Mathis

Best Use of ARCHER Competition Winners

Arresting Dissolution of Bubbles: Interfacial Armour

Predicting the Visco-Elastic Properties of Polystyrene/SIS Composite Blends Using Simple Analytical Micromechanics Models

Direct Measurement of Strain-dependent Solid Surface Stress

Direct Measurement of Strain-dependent Solid Surface Stress

Assistant Professorship for Dr. Peter Beltramo

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