Translucent Nanoparticle-based Aerogel Monoliths as 3-Dimensional Photocatalysts for the Selective Photoreduction of CO2 to Methanol in a Continuous Flow Reactor
The selective photoreduction of CO2 to methanol is an energy efficient way to transform a harmful greenhouse gas into a hydrocarbon of great industrial importance. Researcher at the Laboratory for Multifunctional Materials demonstrate that translucent nanoparticle-based aerogel monoliths are promising photocatalysts for such gas phase reactions. Due to the high mechanical fragility of the aerogels, a special flow reactor was developed.

Continues flow reactor

TiO2-Au Aerogel
Laboratory of Multifunctional Materials
Translucent nanoparticle-based aerogel monoliths as 3-dimensional photocatalysts for the selective photoreduction of CO2 to methanol in a continuous flow reactor
Materials Horizon, 2017, 4, 111, external page DOI:10.1039/c7mh00423k