Materials Day
The Symposium "Materials Day" is organized biannually by the Department of Materials at ETH Zurich to bring together faculty, researchers and students with representatives from industry and the media.
The Materials Day offers scientific information and opportunities for interaction among the materials community. It is organized as a full day symposium including oral presentations and poster sessions.
2021 – Today, Tomorrow and Beyond
The Materials Day 2021 addresses the broad range of research at the Department of Materials and gives an overview over today’s and tomorrow’s research frontiers of the Department. The 2021 Materials Research Price for Young Investigators is awarded to Prof. Sheng Xu, UC Dan Diego.
2019 – Materials Modeling: Across Scales, Across Materials
Developing materials is essential to addressing the grand technological challenges of the XXIst century. Without new materials and processes, advances in areas that we take for granted, ranging from biomedicine to telecommunications, energy storage, and manufacturing of complex structures will either not happen or not be sustainable. The Materials Day 2019 gives an overview on materials modeling.
2017 – Today, Tomorrow and Beyond

The Materials Day 2017 is an opportunity to get to know the most advanced research directions in the Department of Materials in a one-day symposium, which includes talks, a prize award, and poster sessions, as well as opportunities for convivial discussions over lunch and coffee.
2015 – Soft Materials

The Materials Day 2015 gives an overview on new soft materials and their fabrication using a variety of building blocks, from nanoparticles to polymeric systems, introduces new experimental techniques and strategies to create novel materials with unprecedented mechanical and optical properties.
2013 – Today, Tomorrow and Beyond

The Materials Day 2013 addresses the broad range of research at the Department of Materials and gives an overview over today’s and tomorrow’s research frontiers of the Department.
2011 – Biological and Bioinspired Materials

The Materials Day 2011 will put together world leading experts in the field of biomimetic research and related areas to present the latest and most exciting work on the material science of biological structures and on artificial materials made following the design principles found in nature.
2009 – Today, Tomorrow and Beyond

The Materials Day 2009 addresses the broad range of research at the Department of Materials and gives an overview over today’s and tomorrow’s research frontiers of the Department. The Materials Day 2009 closes with the Farewell Lecture of Prof. Ueli W. Suter "Gestern, vorgestern und einst".
2007 – Sticking and Sliding, Wearing and Tearing

The Materials Day 2007 addresses research at the cutting edge of sticking and sliding, wearing and tearing, and its significance for Materials Science, Biology, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.
2005 – Materials and Life

Improving our quality of life through advanced materials. The Materials Day 2005 will discuss ongoing discoveries in materials science and the way in which emerging materials might soon affect our lives.
2003 – Materials Modeling
Designing Materials: Computer vs. Laboratory? The firm answer to this question is: Computer AND Laboratory! The Materials Day 2003 offers a unique overview and also provides an excellent opportunity of gaining insight into the role played by materials modeling in modern science and engineering.
2001 – Werkstoffe für Transport und Verkehr
(Information only available in German) Aus welchen Werkstoffen werden künftig Autos, Bahnen und Flugzeuge gebaut? Der Materials Day 2001 richtete sich an alle Techniker, Ingenieure, Wissenschaftler und Studenten, die sich mit den Fragen der Entwicklung, Herstellung, Auswahl und Anwendung von Werkstoffen in Transport und Verkehr auseinandersetzen.
1998 – Materials in Medicine

As the mean life expectancy of the world's population continues to increase, an understanding of biomaterial behavior and the design of new, tailor-made biomaterials become more crucial. Biomaterials and their application in medicine will form the focus of the first Materials Day 1998.