Materials Day 2019 – Materials Modeling: Across scales, across materials
Materials Day
Developing materials is essential to addressing the grand technological challenges of the XXIst century. Without new materials and processes, advances in areas that we take for granted, ranging from biomedicine to telecommunications, energy storage, and manufacturing of complex structures will either not happen or not be sustainable.
Materials Day is an opportunity to get to know the most advanced research directions in the Department of Materials at ETH Zürich in a one-day symposium, which includes talks, award, prize, and poster session, as well as opportunities for convivial discussions over lunch and coffee.
Department of Materials
The Department of Materials carries out fundamental and applied research in a wide variety of areas of materials science. We investigate different forms of matter, including advanced metal alloys, polymer-metal nanocomposites, complex fluids, soft-condensed biopolymers, functional surfaces, hybrid ceramics and magnetoelectronic materials. Approaches vary from synthesis to experimental studies and processing to theoretical work and large-scale simulation efforts.
The Competence Center for Materials and Processes
The Competence Center for Materials and Processing (MaP) is the multidisciplinary network of ETH Zurich researchers, and is dedicated to tackling the grand challenges in Materials and Processes. We promote cross-disciplinary research, education, and outreach to industry, academy, and society.
Materials Research Prize for Young Investigators
The ETH Materials Research Prize for Young Investigators recognizes outstanding contributions of young investigators that advance materials, from fundamental to applied research. These contributions could include, for example: the discovery of new classes of materials, the observation of novel phenomena leading to either fundamentally new applications or insights, and work that substantially impacts our understanding or applications of existing materials and phenomena. The prize consists of CHF 10,000, a certificate citing the contribution of the recipient, and an allowance for travel to the ETH Materials Day at which the award is presented together with a keynote address by the prizewinner. The Materials Day is a biannual celebration at which the ETH Department of Materials presents its Research to Swiss academia, industry, and the public.
Establishment & Support
The prize has been established in order to emphasize the fundamental role young researchers play in advancing materials science, spanning fundamental and applied research. It is endowed by the ETH Department of Materials and will be awarded biannually.
Rules & Eligibility
The prize is open to scientists of all nationalities irrespective of where their work has been carried out. It is recommended that nominations are restricted to one per institution. To be eligible for the prize, the researcher should be an assistant professor (or an equivalent form of independent researcher) at the time of nomination.
Nomination & Selection Process
For the nomination, please send the following to the Head of Department, Prof. Jan Vermant, at .
- A letter of not more than two pages evaluating the qualifications of the nominee.
- A biographical sketch, including publication list.
- A list of the up to five most important publications.
- Two seconding letters by individuals not connected to the nominee through advising relationships.
The selection will be conducted by three tenured professors of the Department of Materials and the Head of Department.
Prize Winner

Julia Mundy, Harvard University and Claudia Backes, University of Heidelberg – Mundy (left) and Backes (right) were selected for their contributions to low-dimensional materials. Mundy designed and synthesized a long-sought material with coexisting magnetic and electric order at room temperature. To create this `multiferroic’ material, she stacked chemically distinct layers atop one another with atomic control. Backes invented a powerful processing technique to separate the layers of three-dimensional organic and inorganic materials into free floating sheets, which is transforming the study of two-dimensional materials.
Staudinger-Durrer Prize
To emphasize the importance of Materials Science at the ETH Zurich, the Department of Materials awards the Staudinger-Durrer Award at its Materials Day. The prize serves to honor those who have rendered outstanding services to materials science, and is named after two of the major scientists in the field to emerge from the ETH Zurich in the 20th century: Hermann Staudinger and Robert Durrer. Hermann Staudinger was Professor at the ETH-Zurich in the period 1912-1926, In 1953 he won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his pioneering work in the field of macromolecules. Robert Durrer was Professor at the ETH from 1943 to 1961. He laid the foundation for oxygen-based metallurgy, the so-called LD (Linz-Durrer) process.
Prof. Dr. Elie Raphael – Dynamics of thin polymer films
Thin polymer films have striking dynamical properties that differ from their bulk counterparts. With the simple geometry of a stepped polymer film on a substrate, we probe mobility above and below the glass transition temperature Tg. Above Tg, the entire film flows, whereas below Tg only the near-surface region responds to the excess interfacial energy. An analytical thin-film model for flow limited to the free surface region shows excellent agreement with sub-Tg data. The system transitions from whole-film flow to surface localized flow over a narrow temperature region near the bulk Tg. The experiments and model provide a measure of surface mobility in a simple geometry. This fine control of the glassy rheology is of key interest to nano lithography among numerous other applications. We also present recent results of thin film leveling using molecular dynamics simulations. Finally, we present recent results on the capillary relaxation of a square pattern at the free surface of a viscoelastic polymer film, using molecular dynamics simulations of a coarse-grained polymer model.
Prof. Dr. Tanja Schilling – Multi-scale modeling far from thermal equilibrium
Complex microscopic many-body processes are often interpreted in terms of “reaction coordinates”, i.e. in terms of the evolution of a small set of coarse-grained, ensemble averaged variables. Under stationary conditions, the evolution of such coordinates is described by the generalized Langevin equation. In contrast, if the dynamics is not stationary, it is not a priori clear which form the equation of motion for an averaged observable has. We employ the formalism of time-dependent projection operator techniques to derive the equation of motion for a non-equilibrium trajectory-averaged observable as well as for its auto-correlation function. We consider, in particular, Hamiltonians and observables which depend on time explicitly as e.g. in systems under external driving.The equation of motion which we obtain is similar in structure to the generalized Langevin equation, but it exhibits a time-dependent memory kernel as well as a fluctuating force that implicitly depends on the initial conditions of the process. We show how to construct the memory kernel from experimental (or simulation) data. As a numerical example, the procedure is then applied to crystal nucleation from a supercooled Lennard-Jones melt.
Prof. Dr. Liesbeth Janssen – Glassy dynamics of vitrimers
Vitrimers are a new class of polymers which unite the high mechanical performance of thermosets with the malleability and recyclability of thermoplastics. Their facile processability stems from their ‘superstrong’ (sub-Arrhenius) viscosity growth upon cooling, making them malleable over a broad temperature range. We use coarse-grained simulations and mode-coupling theory (MCT) to describe this unusual sub-Arrhenius behavior in a vitrimeric star-polymer system. We can directly link the observed glassy dynamics to anomalous changes in the microstructure, shedding new light on the structural origins of glassy fragility.
Prof. Dr. Emmanuela Zaccarelli – In silico synthesis of microgels: structure, elasticity and effective interactions in bulk and at liquid-liquid interfaces
Microgels are soft particles individually made by cross-linked polymer networks which are nowadays widely used as a colloidal model system because of their swelling properties and their responsivity to external control parameters such temperature or pH. While extensively used as model systems in experimental, their numerical investigation lagged behind due to the inherently complex and multiscale nature of the particles. In this talk I will illustrate the protocol that we recently developed to synthesized microgels in-silico, providing a realistic description of the particles, in particular their characteristic inhomogeneous core-corona structure and their swelling behavior. I will also report on the calculation of their elastic properties and effective interactions in bulk and at liquid-liquid interfaces. The numerical results will be compared to available experiments. Our work aims to establish a clear link between the microscopic network properties and the resulting microgel-microgel interactions, paving the way for a deeper understanding of the behaviour of microgel suspensions.
Prof. Dr. Ludovic Berthier – Equilibrium simulations of supercooled liquids beyond laboratory timescale
Computer simulations give unique insights into the microscopic behavior of disordered and amorphous materials, but their typical timescales are orders of magnitude shorter than the experimentally relevant ones. In particular, simulations of supercooled liquids performed with standard techniques cover at most 4-5 decades of viscous slowing down, far behind the 13 decades commonly accessible in experimental studies. Recently, we have closed this enormous gap for a class of realistic models of liquids, which we can successfully equilibrate beyond laboratory time scales by means of a swap Monte Carlo algorithm. For some models, we achieve over 10 orders of magnitude speedup in equilibration timescale. This exciting numerical advance allows us to address some outstanding questions concerning the formation and properties of glasses in a dynamical range that remains inaccessible in experiments, such as the relevance of an entropy crisis underlying glass formation, the kinetics of ultrastable glasses, and the mechanical properties of realistic amorphous solids.
Prof. Dr. David Rodney – Ab initio modeling of dislocations in metals
The plastic deformation of metals is governed by the glide of dislocations. Understanding the mobility of these defects requires atomic-scale modeling to capture their core structure. Approaches based ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations have made tremendous progress these past few years, in part thanks to an increase in computing power, but also because of methodological developments, including methods to correct for elastic interactions between periodic images. In this talk, we will discuss recent advances in dislocation plasticity based on ab initio calculations, mainly in body centered cubic (BCC) and hexagonal close packed (HCP) metals. We will see that the calculations allow to interpret dislocation behaviors observed in in-situ transmission electron microscopy. We will consider the case of pure metals, as well as the effect of alloying, highlighting how interstitial atoms can restructure dislocation cores and profoundly alter the plastic behavior. More generally, we will the strong connection between the dislocation core properties at the atomic scale and macroscopic plastic behaviors.
Prof. Dr. Jörg Neugebauer – Ab initio descriptors to design materials with superior mechanical properties
Modern engineering materials have evolved from simple single phase materials to nano-composites that employ dynamic mechanisms down to the atomistic scale. The structural and thermodynamic complexity of this new generation of structural materials presents a challenge to their design since experimental trial-and-error approaches as successfully used in the past are often no longer feasible. Ab initio approaches provide perfect tools to new design routes but face serious challenges: Finite temperature free energies of the various phases are almost degenerate, requiring advanced theoretical formalisms that accurately capture all relevant entropic contributions. In addition, their hierarchical nature with respect to length and time makes it challenging to explore the large range of chemical compositions. We have therefore developed a python based framework pyiron that allows in a highly automated way to combine accurate finite temperature first principles calculations with big data analytics. The flexibility and the predictive power of these automated approaches will be discussed for examples ranging from the design of ductile Mg alloys, over describing the finite temperature behavior of high entropy alloys, to the discovery of general rules for interstitials in metals.
Prof. Dr. Evelyne Van Ruymbeke – From complex polymer architectures to supramolecular polymeric assemblies: understanding their flow properties with the help of molecular models
Understanding and tailoring the flow properties of polymer melts or concentrated solutions based on the knowledge of their molecular architecture represents a very active field of research, which still requires us to address important and fundamental questions. To this end, coarse-grained models such as models based on the tube theory have been developed, which allow us to describe the dynamics of the macromolecules at a mesoscopic scale. By studying the viscoelastic properties of model polymers, from linear to complex architecture, the main relaxation mechanisms behind their flow behavior are identified and accounted for in the models. Today, while the viscoelastic response of a polymer melt under a small deformation is quite well understood and can be described at a quantitative level, elucidating the molecular origin of their flow properties under large deformation remains a real challenge.
We can go one step further and study the rheology of entangled macromolecular self-assemblies built from supramolecular polymers. These systems are very modulable, exhibiting reversible structural changes with temperature or deformation, and are thermorheologically complex. Often characterized by two distinct dynamics, these systems offer a large potential for the development of new materials.
Poster Session
Core Research Area 1: Soft Matter
Soft and Living Materials
Prof. Dr. Eric Dufresne
- 1-01: Interface Mechanics of Soft Gels
Qin Xu, Eric Dufresne - 1-02: How do diatoms pattern silica cell wells?
Maria Feofilova, Eric Dufresne - 1-03: Chemical Control Systems for Soft Materials
Guido Panzarasa, Eric Dufresne
Laboratory for Soft Materials and Interface
Prof. Dr. Lucio Isa
- 1-04: The connection between tribology and rheology of shear-thickening dense suspensions
Chiao-Peng Hsu, Shivaprakash Ramakrishna, Nicholas D. Spencer, Lucio Isa - 1-05: Assembly of Microgels
Laura Alvarez-Frances, Steven van Kesteren, Fabio Grillo, Miguel Ángel Fernández-Rodríguez, Lucio Isa - 1-06: Active Brownian Particles: the fast, the soft, and the squares
Kilian Dietrich, Laura Alvarez-Frances, Jacopo Vialetto, Fabio Grillo, Miguel Ángel Fernández-Rodríguez, Lucio Isa
Polymer Physics
Prof. Dr. Hans Christian Öttinger
- 1-07: Finding the structure of dissipation from nonequilibrium statistical mechanics – Application to a simple chemical reaction
Alberto Montefusco, Hans Christian Öttinger
- 1-08: Simulations of a particle oscillating at a complex interface
Meisam Pourali, Nick Jaensson, Hans Christian Öttinger
- 1-09: Structure and rheology of triblock copolymer stabilized interfaces: a molecular dynamics study
Ahmad Moghimikheirabadi, Martin Kröger, Hans Christian Öttinger
Surface Science and Technology
Prof. Nicolas Spencer
- 1-10: Grafting Polymer Films from a Variety of Substrates
Wenqing Yan, Nicholas Spencer
- 1-11: Imitating Articular Cartilage Using Acrylamide-Based, Block-Copolymer Brushes
Joydeb Mandal, Nicholas Spencer
- 1-12: It’s all about topology: Evolution of polymer brushes and their performance
M. Divandari, L. Trachsel, G. Morgese, W. Yan, S. N. Ramakrishna, E. M. Benetti, Nicholas Spencer
Soft Materials
Prof. Dr. Jan Vermant
- 1-13: Biofilms as soft materials
Steffen Geisel, Jan Vermant, Eleonora Secchi
- 1-14: Epoxy Systems for the Impregnation of High-Field Superconducting Magnets
André Brem, Barbara Gold, Theo Tervoort
- 1-15: Thin film flows and stability of emulsions and foams
Alexandra Alicke, Manolis Chatzigiannakis, Nick Jaensson, Jan Vermant
Core Research Area 2: Magnetoelectronic Materials
Multifunctional Ferroic Materials
Prof. Dr. Manfred Fiebig
- 2-16: Dynamical processes in systems with strong electronic correlations
Amadé Bortis, Marcela Giraldo, Ehsan Hassanpour, Lukas Kürten, Jannis Lehmann, Thomas Lottermoser, Shovon Pal, Christian Tzschaschel, Mads Weber, Chia-Jung Yang, Yannik Zemp, Manfred Fiebig
- 2-17: Probing ferroic order during complex oxide thin films growth
Martin Sarott, Elzbieta Gradauskaite, Johanna Nordlander, Nives Strkalj, Manfred Fiebig, Morgan Trassin
- 2-18: Modelling structures of less-than-perfect crystals
A. Simonov, T. D. Baerdemaeker, H. L. B. Boström, A. L. Goodwin
Magnetism and Interface Physics
Prof. Dr. Pietro Gambardella
- 2-19: Electrical manipulation of magnetic insulators: domain wall racetracks
Saül Vélez, Pietro Gambardella
- 2-20: Detection of magnetic resonance with atomic resolution
Stepan Kovarik, Pietro Gambardella - 2-21: Topological Insulator α-Sn: thin film growth and associated spin-orbit torques
Federico Binda, Pietro Gambardella
Mesoscopic Systems
Prof. Dr. Laura Heyderman
- 2-22: Artificial Spin Systems
K. A. Hofhuis, P. Pip, S. H. Skjærvø, P. M. Derlet, A. Kleibert, V. Scagnoli, N. R. Leo, L. J. Heyderman
- 2-23: Nanomagnets for Spintronics
Z. Liu, A. Pac, Z. Luo, T. P. Dao, S. Mayr, A. Hrabec, L.J. Heyderman
- 2-24: Ultrafast Dynamics in Mesoscopic Systems
N. Gurung, S. Saha, J. Zhou, S. Parchenko, V. Scagnoli, L.J. Heyderman
- 2-25 Magneto-mechanical Materials
P. Testa, J. Cui, A. Weber, L.J. Heyderman
Materials Theory
Prof. Dr. Nicola Spaldin
- 2-26: Modelling muons in magnetic materials
J. Kane Shenton, Martin Dehn, Victor Steinborn, Edith Simmen, Quintin Meier, Robert Kiefl, Nicola Spaldin
- 2-27: Exploring Correlated Electron Materials: The DFT+DMFT Approach
S. Beck, M. Merkel, J. Souto Casares, C. Ederer
- 2-28: Stabilisation of a new antiferroelectric phase of BiFeO3 through electrostatic engineering in oxide heterostructure
Bastien Grosso, Quintin Meier, Nicola Spaldin
Core Research Area 3: Hybrid Materials and Interfaces
Multifunctional Materials
Prof. Dr. Markus Niederberger
- 3-29: Structure/Function Relationship in Luminescent Heavy Metal Oxide Nano- and Microparticles
Madeleine Fellner, Markus Niederberger, Alessandro Lauria
- 3-30: Transparent and Flexible Thin-Film Supercapacitor/Hybrid-Supercapacitor Based on Porous Carbon
Tian Liu, Runyu Yan, Long Pan, Xiaobao Cao, Andrew deMello, Markus Niederberger
- 3-31: The Beauty behind Hydrogen Production – Titania Nanoparticle-Based Aerogels as Photocatalysts
Murielle Schreck, Nicole Kleger, Markus Niederberger
Complex Materials
Prof. Dr. André Studart
- 3-32: Functional Materials made by Upscaled Microfluidics
Iacopo Mattich, Alessandro Ofner, André R. Studart
- 3-33: Bioinspired Heart Valve Prosthesis made by Silicone Additive Manufacturing
Fergal B. Coulter, Manuel Schaffner, Jakob A. Faber, Ahmad Rafsanjani, Robin Smith, Harish Appa, Peter Zilla, Deon Bezuidenhout, André R. Studart
- 3-34: 3D Printing of Cellulose-growing Bacteria
Marco Binelli, Patrick A. Rühs, André R. Studart
Core Research Area 4: Metallic Materials
Metal Physics and Technology
Prof. Dr. Jörg Löffler
- 4-35: Metals under the electron beam: secrets unveiled by transmission electron microscopy coupled to modeling
R. Schäublin, V. Vojtech, S. Küchler, M. Cihova, V. Wessely, I. Basu, J. F. Löffler
- 4-36: Ultrahigh-gravity processing of metallic glass-forming liquids
M. Stoica, J. Hecht, W. Bachmann, M. Baer, E. Fischer, Š. Stanko, J. F. Löffler
- 4-37: Spin textures and domain-wall pinning in Sm–Co magnets
L. Pierobon, A. Kovács, R. E. Schäublin, S. S. A. Gerstl, J. Caron, U. Wyss, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, M. Charilaou, J. F. Löffler
Prof. Dr. Ralph Spolenak
- 4-38: Reflectance Anisotropy Spectroscopy: a finger print of materials band structure
Marco Volpi, Sophie Beck, Alla Sologubenko, Henning Galinski, Ralph Spolenak
- 4-39: Molecular Dynamics Study of the Entropic Elasticity of Gaussian Polymer Networks
Fabian Schwarz, Andrei A. Gusev
- 4-40: Disordered zero-index metamaterials based on metal-induced crystallization
Henning Galinski, Andreas Wyss, Mattia Seregni, Huan Ma, Volker Schnabel, Alla Sologubenko, Ralph Spolenak
UZH Computational Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Jürg Hutter
- 41: Benchmarking Tight-Binding Predictions for Metal-Organic Frameworks
Beliz Sertcan, Anna Hehn, Jürg Hutter
D-MATL X-ray Platformy
- 42: The D-MATL X-ray Platform
Thomas Weber, X-Ray Platform