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Materials Day 2025 — Materials for Energy

Save the date: Wednesday, May 7, 2025, ETH Main Building, Auditorium Maximum F30

MaP Initiatives

MaP Doctoral School

The MaP Doctoral School of ETH Zurich provides topclass international doctoral education in advanced materials, processes and manufacturing technologies.

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MaP Doctoral School (Video: MaP)

ETH Sabbatical | CAS Advanced Materials and Processes

The tailor-​made continuing education programme CAS ETH in Advanced Materials and Processes (CAS ETH AMaP) individually and specifically promotes the competence profile of industry specialists.

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Life cycle of Swiss peppermint extract (Vidoe: MaP)

Advanced Materials Transformation Map for the World Economic Forum

Advanced Materials Transformation Map for the World Economic Forum

Professors from D-MATL have curated a Transformation Map for the World Economic Forum on the topic of “Advanced Materials”. World experts are yearly contacted by the WEF to produce interactive maps on specific topics of societal and technological importance and to illustrate their global connectivity.

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CO2 Conversion in Cu−Pd Based Disordered Network Metamaterials with Ultrasmall Mode Volumes


Athina Anastasaki appointed as Associate Professor of Sustainable Polymers


Complete breakdown of plexiglass into its building blocks

Master’s Degree Graduation Ceremony 2025


Four SNSF Advanced Grants go to ETH Zurich researchers


Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin with Marcel Benoist Prizewinner Nicola Spaldin
Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin with Marcel Benoist Prizewinner Nicola Spaldin (Copyright: Daniel Rihs, picture taken on behalf of the SNSF)

Nicola Spaldin, head of Materials Theory group, has been awarded the Swiss Science Prize Marcel Benoist for her outstanding research into multiferroic materials. Read more

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