Interdisciplinary Engineering Curriculum
Welcome to Interdisciplinary Engineering (IDE) at ETH Zurich!
What is Interdisciplinary Engineering?
Interdisciplinary engineering is the application of methods and concepts from multiple disciplines to solve complex problems that transcend traditional boundaries. In the context of an engineering education, this implies a strong focus on transferable competencies from the method-specific, social, and personal domain. These competencies, taught in a project-based sub-curriculum, will be complemented with broad knowledge in different engineering sciences. Interdisciplinary engineers can solve problems beyond established domains. They possess methods, and the necessary experience, to tackle the most complex problems at the boundaries of engineering.
IDE at ETH Zurich
In 2019, the student association of ETH Zurich (VSETH) proposed the establishment of an Interdisciplinary Engineering (IDE) curriculum to the School Board. Endorsed by 18 professors from diverse departments, including Engineering, Natural Sciences, and Management and Social Sciences, the proposal outlined a Bachelor’s degree program with a comprehensive selection of elective courses and interdisciplinary activities. The School Board enthusiastically supported the proposal, leading to the Department of Materials being designated as the host department for the IDE program. Learn more about the project's timeline here.
Discover the future of engineering education with IDE at ETH Zurich – where innovation knows no bounds.
ETH Zürich
Department of Materials
Leopold-Ruzicka-Weg 4
HCP F35.2