Size Dependence of Age-hardening Revealed

The phenomenon of age-hardening in metals was discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century. 110 years later, a research collaboration between the Montanuniversität Leoben and the ETH Zurich Laboratory of Metal Physics and Technology has revealed that this effect depends strongly on material dimensions. The results are presented in Nature Communications.
Elucidating the Elusive: Nonlinear Optics Tracks Antiferromagnetism in Real Space

A research collaboration between the Laboratory for Multifunctional Ferroic Materials (ETH Zurich) and the Satoh Lab (Tokyo Institute of Technology) tracks the “invisible” magnetism in an antiferromagnetic material on the move. Understanding the dynamics of antiferromagnets is crucial for the development of electronic devices that are orders of magnitude faster than the existing ones.
ETH Podcast: Nicola Spaldin about her Pioneering Work

In episode 13 of the ETH-Podcast Jennifer Khakshouri talks to Nicola Spaldin, head of the Materials Theory group, about her sparking energy and motivation to teach and research and listen to her play the clarinet with her chamber music ensemble.