Swirling Magnetic Order in Artificial Crystals

In a collaboration between the Laboratory for Multifunctional Ferroic Materials (Manfred Fiebig, ETH Zurich) the Laboratory for Mesoscopic Systems (Laura Heyderman, ETH Zurich, PSI) and the Condensed Matter Theory Group (Peter Derlet, PSI), an exotic new type of magnetic order has been designed and controlled.
Mimicking Nacre Unveils New Insights for Developing Tougher Composite Materials

Powerful guidelines for the design of lightweight composite materials inspired by the structure of strong and tough biological nacre are highlighted in a new paper from the Complex Materials Group.
EUR 14 Million for Materials of the Future

Three researchers from the ETH Domain, including professor Nicola Spaldin, head of the Materials Theory group, and a scientist from Stockholm University have received an ERC Synergy Grant of EUR 13.9 million.