Athina Anastasaki appointed Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Polymeric Materials
The Department of Materials is happy to announce that the Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology has appointed Athina Anastasaki as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Polymeric Materials.

Dr. Athina Anastasaki (*1988), currently Research Fellow at the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. Athina Anastasaki conducts research on polymer nanoparticles whose shape can be controlled for use in biomedical applications. Her work also focuses on biomimetic nanostructured materials which regulate the folding and unfolding of polymer chains. She uses sequence controls to synthesise polymers which resemble peptides and proteins. This enables her to synthesise complex polymer architectures in order to develop new and more effective antibiotics. By appointing Athina Anastasaki, the Department of Materials is strengthening its research and teaching in polymer chemistry.