Martin Kröger newly appointed Associate Editor of Polymers

The journal provides an interdisciplinary forum for publishing papers which advance the fields of (i) polymerization methods, (ii) theory, simulation, and modeling, (iii) understanding of new physical phenomena, (iv) advances in characterization techniques, and (v) harnessing of self-assembly and biological strategies for producing complex multifunctional structures.
ETH Globe Magazin 04/2017: Manufacturing Redefined

MaP and serveral MaP members are featured in the latest ETH Globe Magazin 04/2017, focus section "Manufacturing Redefined".
3D Printing of Bacteria into Functional Complex Materials

Despite recent advances to control the spatial composition and dynamic functionalities of bacteria embedded in materials, bacterial localization into complex three-dimensional (3D) geometries remains a major challenge. Researchers at the Laboratory for Complex Materials have now introduced a new 3D printing platform that works using living matter.
Claire Donnelly has been awarded the 2018 Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award in Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics

Claire Donnelly, PhD student at the Mesoscopic Systems group, has been awarded the 2018 Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award in Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics from the American Physical Society. The award recognises doctoral thesis research of exceptional quality and importance. This prize is for her dissertation on "Hard X-ray Tomgraphy of Three Dimensional Magnetic Structures".