Dennis Meier Receives Gustav-Hertz-Preis 2017
Multiferroics couple magnetic and electric properties in unique ways. By directing his research at ETH Zurich on the domain walls that separate regions with a different orientation of magnetic and electric order in multiferroics, Dennis Meier discovered a realm of novel magneto-electronic functionalities. For this discovery, he received the Gustav-Hertz Prize of the German Physical Society.
Announcing the new Materials Research Prize for Young Investigators – Nominations now Accepted
The Materials Research Prize for Young Investigators is newly established in order to emphasize the fundamental role young researchers play in advancing materials science, spanning fundamental and applied research. It is endowed by the ETH Department of Materials and will be awarded biannually.
Cyclic Polymers in The Spotlight: From Scientific Curiosity to Advanced Materials for Gene Delivery and Surface Modification
The recent works on the synthesis and application of cyclic polymers by the team of Dr. Edmondo M. Benetti, Surface Science and Technology, have been highlighted in Angewandte Chemie.
Alessandro Ofner Wins SNSF Scientific Image Competition Prize in the Category Video-Loop
Alessandro Ofner, doctoral student in the Complex Materials group, presented a video-loop showing massive multichannel microencapsulation.
Nicola Spaldin Has Been Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society
Nicola Spaldin, professor at Materials Theory (D-MATL), has been awarded a fellowship granted by the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge. The admission to the Society will take place at a formal admissions day ceremony on Friday July 14, 2017.
Sinead M. Griffin Receives the Swiss Physical Society Prize 2017
The Swiss Physical Society Prize 2017, sponsored by ABB, will be awarded to Sinead M. Griffin, former PhD student of the Materials Theory group, for her "Outstanding computational physics research from cosmic string formation to multiferroics."