Laura Heyderman appointed Professor

The Department of Materials is happy to announce that on December 5/6, the Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology has appointed Laura Heyderman, currently scientific group leader at PSI, as Full Professor of Mesoscopic Systems.
Marcus Textor receives "Excellence in Surface Science" Award

The Surface in Biomaterials Foundation in St Paul (USA) has honored Marcus Textor (retired Titular Professor at the Laboratory for Surface Science and Technology) with the prestigious "Excellence in Surface Science" award at the Biointerface 2012 Conference in Dublin.
Pietro Gambardella appointed Professor

The Department of Materials is happy to announce that on September 26/27, the Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology has appointed Pietro Gambardella, currently Professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, as Full Professor of Magnetism and Interface Physics.
Nicola Spaldin receives Max Rössler Prize

The Department of Materials congratulates Nicola Spaldin, Professor for Materials Theory, on winning this year's Max Rössler prize.
Jennifer Rupp appointed Assistant Professor

The Department of Materials is happy to announce that on May 23/24, the Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology has appointed Jennifer Rupp as an Assistant Professor (SNF) of Electrochemical Materials.
Prof. Manfred Fiebig elected APS Fellow

During the APS March Meeting 2012 Prof. Manfred Fiebig (Multifunctional Ferroic Materials) has been elected APS Fellow for "developments in non-linear optics and their application to solving seminal problems in multiferroics". – Congratulations!