Dr. Thomas-Bruno Schweizer

Dr.  Thomas-Bruno Schweizer

Dr. Thomas-Bruno Schweizer

Lecturer at the Department of Materials

ETH Zürich

Institut für Polymere

HCI H 531

Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10

8093 Zürich


Additional information

Course Catalogue

Spring Semester 2025

Number Unit
327-0211-00L Projects and Lab Courses II
327-0411-00L Projects and Lab Courses IV
327-0623-00L Materials Processing

Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Analysis

System 1:

  • Viscotek GPCmax VE2001 (Pump and autosampler) + Viscotek TDA302 (Detectors) + Knauer UV Detector 2500
  • Detectors Concentration (Refractive index, UV absorbtion), viscosity (4-channel differential viscosity detector), light scattering (15° and 90°)
  • Running solvent Chloroform, flow rate 1 ml/min, temperature 35°C
  • Columns Set A: 2x PLgel 20 mycro m MIXED-A
  • Calibration range (PS) 1.5 kDa-13.6 MDa
  • Set B: 1x PLgel 10 mycro m MIXED-B + 1x PLgel 5 mm MIXED-C
  • Calibration range (PS) 1kDa - 4 MDa
Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Analysis
Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Analysis
Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Analysis

System 2:

  • Viscotek GPCmax (Pump and autosampler) + Viscotek TDA305-040 (Detectors)
  • Detectors Concentration (Refractive index), viscosity (4-channel differential viscosity detector), light scattering (15° and 90°)
  • Running solvent DMF+0.1% LiBr, flow rate 1 ml/min, temperature 45°C
  • Columns 2x D5000, Org GPC/SEC Col, 10 mycro m particle size
  • Calibration range (PMMA) 1kDa - 4 MDa.



Poly(phenylene methylene)-Based Coatings for Corrosion Protection: Replacement of Additives by Use of Copolymers
D’Elia, Marco F.; Magni, Mirko; Trasatti, Stefano P.M.; Schweizer, Thomas B.; Niederberger, Markus; Caseri, Walter
Applied Sciences 9 (2019) 3551


Poly(Phenylene methylene): A multifunctional material for thermally stable, hydrophobic, fluorescent, corrosion-protective coatings
D’Elia, Marco F.; Braendle, Andreas; Schweizer, Thomas B.; Ortenzi, Marco A.; Trasatti, Stefano P.M.; Niederberger, Markus; Caseri, Walter
Coatings 8 (2018) 274
Immobilization of Carbonic Anhydrase in Glass Micropipettes and Glass Fiber Filters for Flow-Through Reactor Applications
Yoshimoto, Makoto; Schweizer, Thomas; Rathlef, Marco; Pleij, Tazio; Walde, Peter
ACS Omega 3 (2018) 10391-10405


Communication: Appearance of undershoots in start-up shear: Experimental findings captured by tumbling-snake dynamics
Stephanou, Pavlos S.; Schweizer, Thomas; Kröger, Martin
The Journal of Chemical Physics 146 (2017) 161101
Superposition rheology and anisotropy in rheological properties of sheared colloidal gels
Colombo, Gabriele; Kim, Sunhyung; Schweizer, Thomas; Schroyen, Bram; Clasen, Christian; Mewis, Jan; Vermant, Jan
Journal of Rheology 61 (2017) 1035-1048
Predicting the visco-elastic properties of polystyrene/SIS composite blends using simple analytical micromechanics models
Unwin, A. Paul; Hine, Peter J.; Ward, Ian M.; Guseva, Olga A.; Schweizer, Thomas; Fujita, Masato; Tanaka, Eiji; Gusev, Andrei A.
Composites Science and Technology 142 (2017) 302-310


Rheology and Packing of Dendronized Polymers
Costanzo, Salvatore; Scherz, Leon F.; Schweizer, Thomas; Kröger, Martin; Floudas, George; Schlüter, A. Dieter; Vlassopoulos, Dimitris
Macromolecules 49 (2016) 7054-7068


A toolbox of oligopeptide-modified polymers for tailored elastomers
Croisier, Emmanuel; Liang, Su; Schweizer, Thomas; Balog, Sandor; Mionić, Marijana; Snellings, Ruben; Cugnoni, Joël; Michaud, Véronique; Frauenrath, Holger
Nature Communications 5 (2014) 4728
Functionalizing a dentin bonding resin to become bioactive
Tauböck, Tobias T.; Zehnder, Matthias; Schweizer, Thomas; Stark, Wendelin J.; Attin, Thomas; Mohn, Dirk
Dental Materials 30 (2014) 868-875
Amyloid-hydroxyapatite bone biomimetic composites
Li, Chaoxu; Born, Anne-Kathrin; Schweizer, Thomas; Zenobi-Wong, Marcy; Cerruti, Marta; Mezzenga, Raffaele
Advanced Materials 26 (2014) 3207-3212
Spinning Angora Rabbit Wool-Like Porous Fibers from a Non-Equilibrated Gelatin/Water/2-Propanol Mixture
Stoessel, Philipp R.; Grass, Robert N.; Sánchez-Ferrer, Antoni; Fuhrer, Roland; Schweizer, Thomas; Mezzenga, Raffaele; Stark, Wendelin J.
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (2014) 1831-1839


A cone-partitioned plate rheometer cell with three partitions (CPP3) to determine shear stress and both normal stress differences for small quantities of polymeric fluids
Schweizer, Thomas; Schmidheiny, Werner
Journal of Rheology 57 (2013) 841-856


Quantitative mesoscale modeling of the oscillatory and transient shear rheology and the extensional rheology of pressure sensitive adhesives
Padding, J. T.; Mohite, L. V.; Auhl, D.; Schweizer, T.; Briels, W. J.; Bailly, C.
Soft Matter 8 (2012) 3967-3981


Triggered Release from Liposomes through Magnetic Actuation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Containing Membranes
Amstad, Esther; Kohlbrecher, Joachim; Mueller, Elisabeth; Schweizer, Thomas; Textor, Marcus; Reimhult, Erik
Nano Letters 11 (2011) 1664-1670
Dynamic Stability of Organic Conducting Polymers and Its Replication in Electrical Conduction and Degradation Mechanisms
Chimamkpam, Emmanuel F.C.; Schweizer, Thomas; Hauert, Roland; Schilling, Andreas; Ferreira, Jose M.F.
Advanced Functional Materials 21 (2011) 2240-2250


Structure & strength of silica-PDMS nanocomposites
Camenzind, Adrian; Schweizer, Thomas; Sztucki, Michael; Pratsinis, Sotiris E.
Polymer 51 (2010) 1796-1804


A shear rheometer for measuring shear stress and both normal stress differences in polymer melts simultaneously. The MTR 25
Schweizer, Thomas; Hostettler, Juerg; Mettler, Fredy
Rheologica Acta 47 (2008) 943-957
Departure from linear velocity profile at the surface of polystyrene melts during shear in cone-plate geometry
Schweizer, Thomas; Stöckli, Manuel
Journal of Rheology 52 (2008) 713-727
Lubricated cross-slot flow of a low density polyethylene melt
Soulages, J.; Schweizer, T.; Venerus, D. C.; Kröger, Martin; Öttinger, Hans Christian
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 154 (2008) 52-64
Lubricated optical rheometer for the study of two-dimensional complex flows of polymer melts
Soulages, Johannes; Schweizer, Thomas B.; Venerus, David C.; Hostettler, Jürg; Mettler, Fredy; Kröger, Martin; Öttinger, Hans Christian
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 150 (2008) 43-55


Metallic glass/polymer composites by co-processing at similar viscosities
Kuendig, Andreas A.; Schweizer, Thomas; Schafler, Erhard; Löffler, Jörg F.
Scripta Materialia 56 (2007) 289-292
Uniaxial elongational flow effects and morphology development in LDPE/phosphate glass hybrids
Urmann, Kevin; Schweizer, Thomas; Otaigbe, Joshua U.
Rheologica Acta 46 (2007) 989-1001
Shear banding during nonlinear creep with a solution of monodisperse polystyrene
Schweizer, Thomas
Rheologica Acta 46 (2007) 629-637
Rheology of tin fluorophosphate glass/polyamide 12 hybrids in the low concentration regime
Urman, Kevin; Schweizer, Thomas; Otaigbe, Joshua U.
Journal of Rheology 51 (2007) 1171-1187


The role of instrument compliance in normal force measurements of polymer melts
Schweizer, Thomas; Bardow, André
Rheologica Acta 45 (2006) 393-402
Modeling non-Gaussian extensibility effects in elongation of nearly monodisperse polystyrene melts
Rolón-Garrido, Víctor H.; Wagner, Manfred H.; Luap, Clarisse; Schweizer, Thomas
Journal of Rheology 50 (2006) 327-340
Limit of validity of the stress-optical rule for polystyrene melts. Influence of polydispersity
Luap, Clarisse; Karlina, Marina; Schweizer, Thomas; Venerus, David C.
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 138 (2006) 197-203


Simultaneous stress and birefringence measurements during uniaxial elongation of polystyrene melts with narrow molecular weight distribution
Luap, Clarisse; Müller, Christian; Schweizer, Thomas; Venerus, David C.
Rheologica Acta 45 (2005) 83-91
Carbohydrate polymers in amorphous states. An integrated thermodynamic and nanostructural investigation
Kilburn, Duncan; Claude, Johanna; Schweizer, Thomas; Alam, Ashraf; Ubbink, Job
Biomacromolecules 6 (2005) 864-879
Temperature Calibration of Rotational Rheometers with Electrically Heated Tools and Hood Oven
Schweizer, Thomas
Applied Rheology 15 (2005) 112-115


A comparison of extensional viscosity measurements from various RME rheometers
Schulze, J. S.; Lodge, T. P.; Macosko, C. W.; Hepperle, J.; Münstedt, H.; Bastian, H.; Ferri, D.; Groves, D. J.; Kim, Y. H.; Lyon, M.; Schweizer, T.; Vinkier, T.; Wassner, E.; Zoetelief, W.
Rheologica Acta 40 (2001) 457-466


The uniaxial elongational rheometer RME - six years of experience
Schweizer, Thomas
Rheologica Acta 39 (2000) 428-443
Flow behaviour of thin polymer films used for hot embossing lithography
Heyderman, Laura J.; Schift, Helmut; David, Christian; Gobrecht, Jens; Schweizer, Thomas
Microelectronic Engineering 54 (2000) 229-245


Extensional rheometry of polymer multilayers: A sensitive probe of interfaces
Levitt, Leon; Masosko, Christopher W.; Schweizer, Thomas; Meissner, Joachim
Journal of Rheology 41 (1997) 671-685
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