Dr. Federico Paratore

Dr.  Federico Paratore

Dr. Federico Paratore

Staff of Professorship for Soft Materials and Interfaces

ETH Zürich

Weiche Materialien u. Grenzflächen

HCI G 543

Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10

8093 Zürich


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Research area

My research interests are in hydrodynamics, transport phenomena, surface science, and electrokinetics at the micro/nano-scale for various applications including flow and particle control, energy storage, (bio)molecular analysis, and collective motion. 


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Journal Publications

10. Probst D., Manica M., Teukam Y.G.N., Castrogiovanni A., Paratore F., Laino T., “Molecular Transformer-aided Biocatalysed Synthesis Planning”, accepted, Nature Communications, 2022. 

9. Gabay I., Paratore F., Boyko E., Ramos A., Gat A., Bercovici M., “Shaping liquid films by dielectrophoresis”, Flow (2021), 1 E13.

8. Paratore F.*, Bacheva V.*, Bercovici M., Kaigala G. V., ”Reconfigurable Microfluidics”, Nature Review Chemistry, 6, 70–80 (2021). (* equal contribution)

7. Boyko E., Bacheva V., Eigenbrod M., Paratore F.‡, Gat A.‡, Hardt S.‡, Bercovici M.‡, ”Microscale hydrodynamic cloaking and shielding via electroosmosis”, Physical Review Letters, 2021, 126, 184502.  (‡corresponding authors)

6. Widerker D., Paratore F., Bercovici M., Kaigala G. V., ”Biointegrated fluidic milling”, Advanced Material Technologies, 2021, 6, 2000843.

5. Bacheva V.*, Paratore F.*, Kaigala G. V. and Bercovici M., ”Tunable Bidirectional Electroosmotic Flow for Diffusion-Based Separations”, Angewandte Chemie 2020, 59, 12894–12899. (* equal contribution) - Selected as ’Very important paper’.

4. Paratore F., Bacheva V., Kaigala G. V., Bercovici M., ”Dynamic microscale flow patterning using electrical modulation of zeta potential”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A., 2019, 116 (21) 10258-10263 - Featured on Physics World.

3. Paratore F., Boyko E., Kaigala G. V., Bercovici M., ”Electroosmotic flow dipole: Experimental observation and flow field patterning”, Physical Review Letters, 2019, 122, 224502.

2. Paratore F., Zeidman Kalman T., Rosenfeld T., Kaigala G. V., Bercovici M., ”Isotachophoresis-Based Surface Immunoassay”, Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89 (14), pp 7373–7381. - Featured on the cover page of Analytical Chemistry – Vol. 89, Iss. 14; Featured on the IBM Research Blog, Technion website, Technology Network, EET Asia, ScienceNews.

1. Arshavsky-Graham S., Massad-Ivanir N., Paratore F., Scheper T., Bercovici M., Segal E., ”On Chip Protein Pre-Concentration for Enhancing the Sensitivity of Porous Silicon Biosensors”, ACS Sensors, 2017, 2 (12), pp 1767–1773.


For the full list of journal publications, proceedings, conferences, patents, awards, etc., please download the full CV here

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