Elective Courses

With the choice of elective courses, students may specialize in a specific materials-related area, for example semiconductor materials or nanotechnology, or may broaden their horizon across disciplines, such as management or civil engineering.

Students are encouraged to individually create a curriculum tailored to their interests. All Master's level courses at ETH Zurich can be chosen as electives. Due to the large number of possibilities and the fixed core course schedule, it is highly recommended that students carefully plan their studies

In exceptional cases it may be possible to recognize also credit points of advanced Bachelor's degree courses as elective courses. For more information, please contact the study administration office.

A list of recommended elective courses is given below. These are not mandatory in any respect. You are welcome to have a look at the following Download overview (PDF, 226 KB) if you are particularly interested in a particular research field (e.g. materials modeling) and would like to see what elective courses may be interesting.

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