NMR Service

The NMR instrumentation facility available to researchers in the Department of Materials (D-MATL) is jointly operated with the Insitute of Chemical and Bioengineering (ICB) and the Laboratory for Inorganic Chemistry (LAC), both in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (D-CHAB). Researchers can either profit from the spectra recording service or use the open access possibility.
The NMR service group is in charge of providing a spectra recording service, maintains the hard and software of the spectrometers, assists in client-specific problem solving and spectra interpretation, advises on spectroscopic topics in relation to supporting research. Currently it has two members:
- René Verel: head of NMR service
- Doris Sutter: operator for ICB and D-MATL
Former members:
- Doris Sutter (retired), Aitor Moreno, Peter Skrabal (retired), Felix Bangerter (retired)
- Heinz Rüegger (deceased)
There are nine NMR instruments in our facility with 1H Larmor frequencies in the range from 200 to 700 MHz. All are equipped for state-of-the-art multinuclear and multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Three spectrometers provide the possibility to investigate samples in the solid-state.
Spectra Service
Please contact Doris Sutter for details on submitting samples.
Open Access Operation
Please contact René Verel for opening of an account and an introduction.
NMR 300 MHz
Reservation: Exchange > All Public Folders > D-MATL > Reservations > Equipment > NMR 300 MHz