Soft Materials

Research Profile

The Soft Materials Group investigates the fundamentals and engineering challenges with soft materials. The latter embrace a wide variety of materials, ranging from colloids to polymers and surface-active materials. The triangle rheology-structure-properties plays a central role. We combine methods that investigate properties with in-situ and time-resolved measurements of the microstructure, in 2D and 3D systems. To do so, we develop our own instruments and techniques.

Concerning fundamentals there is a strong focus on understanding the rheology and thermodynamics of interfaces and bilayer systems. We then use these insights to design materials and novel fractal processing techniques, which are designed for structuring such multiphase materials. Gel materials constitute another area of interest, either as colloidal thixotropic materials or as polymeric intermediaries towards high performance mate-rials. Understanding structure-property-processing relations is another central theme in our research, with sustainability taking on an increasingly important role.

Competences / Infrastructure

  • Advanced rheometric methods
  • Thermal analysis (DSC, DMA, TGA), GPC, analytical characterization techniques
  • Light scattering (static, dynamic)
  • Ultra-high-speed confocal microscopy (4D imaging)
  • Fluorescence microscopy (upright and inverted) with high speed camera›Acoustic and magnetic tweezers
  • Langmuir troughs, interfacial rheometry in shear and dilation
  • Dynamic thin film balance›Polymer and colloid processing equipment, mixing flows
  • Microfluidic environments for testing of complex fluids and complex interfaces


soft matter | colloids | polymers rheology | surface active materials



Prof. Dr. Jan Vermant


Vappu Hämmerli

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