Metal Physics and Technology

Research Profile
The Laboratory of Metal Physics and Technology (LMPT) carries out research and teaching in areas ranging from basic science to technology, mostly in metals-related fields. It is the aim of the LMPT to develop new metallic materials, and to find and explore new phenomena in metal physics and technology via detailed characterization of these materials and modelling. Research focuses on the following areas:
- Bulk metallic glasses, comprising a new class of alloys which can be manufactured as massive amorphous pieces in dimensions of millimetres to centimetres upon cooling from the melt
- Magnetism on mesoscopic length scales, in particular the investigation of materials that show fundamentally modified magnetic properties due to their reduced internal length scales
- Metals for medical applications, in particular the development of biodegradable magnesium alloys for vascular intervention and orthopaedics
- Light metals, in particular the development of new alloys and processing technologies
- Microstructure analysis and modelling, in particular the atomic scale characterization of alloys, using TEM, synchrotron x-ray diffraction, and Monte-Carlo simulations