Magnetism and Interface Physics

Research Profile

Our group investigates magnetic materials and interface sys-tems for applications in magnetoelectronics, such as magnet-ic memories and sensors. Our research also focuses on the study of new physical properties emerging from the interplay of spin-orbit coupling, spin relaxation, and electron transport as well as on the fabrication of new materials (multilayers, func-tional metal-oxide and metal-organic thin films, nanoparticles, nanostructures) and their characterization using advanced tech-niques such as synchrotron radiation spectroscopy, scanning probe microscopy, magneto-optics, and electrical probes. Cur-rent areas of expertise include:

  • Deposition and characterization of thin film multilayer systems
  • Design of spintronic devices
  • Development of novel magnetic probes
  • Magnetization measurements by local and nonlocal methods
  • Magnetoresistance and Hall effects
  • Spin torques
  • Single atom magnets

Competences / Infrastructure

  • putter deposition and molecular beam epitaxy of thin films
  • Magnetotransport measurements (dc, ac, pulsed, time-resolved)
  • Atomic and magnetic force microscopy (AFM/MFM)
  • Vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM)
  • Magneto-optic Kerr effect (MOKE)
  • Scanning tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM)
  • X-ray absorption and magnetic dichroism, X-ray microscopy (XAS, XMCD, XPEEM, STXM)


magnetism | PVD | spintronics | thin films STM | solid state physics | multilayers | MBnanostructures | MOKE | surfaces | XMCD



Prof. Dr. Pietro Gambardella


Yvonne Largiadèr

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