Athina Anastasaki appointed as Associate Professor of Sustainable Polymers

At its meeting of 6/7 March 2025 the ETH Board appointed Professor Athina Anastasaki (*1988), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor, as Associate Professor of Sustainable Polymers.

Prof. Dr. Athina Anastasaki

Athina Anastasaki's research focuses on synthetic polymers, especially for controlling polymer synthesis. A particularly notable achievement was the development and investigation of depolymerisation processes for methacrylate polymers, which are of major importance in recycling plastics. Her research results have industrial applications. Athina Anastasaki has received various awards for her work, including an ERC Starting Grant. Through this appointment, the Department is retaining an extremely intelligent and talented scientist and securing its leading global position in polymer science.

ETH News: GermanEnglish

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