Morgan Trassin and Tanja Zimmermann Receive the Dandelion Award 2024
The Dandelion Award is the first award to recognize professors for their outstanding efforts to promote entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich and beyond.

The external page Dandelion Award provides a unique opportunity for students, Ph.D. candidates, and Post-Doctoral researchers to nominate and vote for professors who have demonstrated exceptional commitment and leadership in fostering entrepreneurship. A diverse jury of representatives from key student bodies, such as the Student Project House (SPH), ETH Juniors, Academic Association of Scientific Staff at ETH Zurich (AVETH), and ETH Entrepreneur Club, then collaborate to select a deserving winner from the different departments and an additional 'Special Award' overall winner based on the gathered votes.
The Winners Announcement Ceremony for the Dandelion Entrepreneurship Awards 2024 took place during the launch event by the ETH Entrepreneur Club and SICTC on Friday, October 18th, at 6pm.
We are very happy to inform you that Prof. Dr. Morgan Trassin and Prof. Dr. Tanja Zimmermann from our department have been honored with this prestigious award. Prof. Dr. Tanja Zimmermann als received Special Award for championing interdisciplinary collaboration and entrepreneurship.