ETH Silver Medal and SVMT Prize at the Doctoral Awards Ceremony

Each year outstanding doctoral theses are honored with the Silver Medal of ETH Zurich. This year’s awardees that were supervised by a D-MATL faculty member received their medal at the last doctoral awards ceremony on July 12, 2024.

We congratulate all the awardees!

Silver Medal of ETH Zurich

Alexander Firlus receiving award

Alexander Firlus – The atomic-scale origins of the invar effect in Fe-based bulk metallic glasses

Viola Krizakova receiving award

Viola Krizakova – Time-resolved magnetization dynamics in magnetic tunnel junctions driven by spin-orbit torques

Konstantinos Parkatzidis – Advanced polymer synthesis and chemical recycling via oxygen-enhanced controlled radical polymerization and light-induced depolymerization strategies

Steven van Kesteren receiving award

Steven van Kesteren – Active, adaptive, and replicating colloidal clusters

SVMT Prize

Marvin Müller

Marvin Müller – Time-resolved study of the switching of multiferroic BiFeO3

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