Nicola Spaldin receives the Gothenburg Lise Meitner Award

The laureate of the 2023 Lise Meitner Award is Professor Nicola Spaldin, who is awarded for “Fundamental theoretical contributions and discoveries in the field of multiferroics”.

The Gothenburg Lise Meitner Award is awarded by the Gothenburg Physics Centre to a scientist who has made a breakthrough discovery in physics.

Prof. Nicola Spaldin

“Nicola Spaldin’s ground-​breaking theoretical contributions to fundamental physical understanding and practical materials design, combined with her vision and scientific leadership, are responsible for establishing one of the most important classes of emerging materials today – multiferroics – and positioning them to enable technological transformation. Multiferroics – materials that are simultaneously magnetic and ferroelectric – are poised to make major societal contributions through novel device paradigms, and at the same time provide a rich forum for basic scientific discoveries in fields as diverse as condensed matter and high-​energy physics, nanoelectronics and astroparticle physics, all thanks to Spaldin’s pioneering developments.” [1]

[1] external page Interview with Nicola Spaldin ahead of the 2023 Gothenburg Lise Meitner Award Ceremony.

More details about the external page Gothenburg Lise Meitner Award

Prof. Dr. Nicola Spaldin

Materials Theory

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