Spark Award 2023 for Marco D'Elia, Walter Caseri und Markus Niederberger

This year, the expert jury immediately reached a unanimous decision: from among the five inventions nominated for the Spark Award 2023, the whole panel chose the novel corrosion protection developed by researchers from the Laboratory for Multifunctional Materials.

Spark Award 2023
Winners of the 2023 Spark Award (r-l): Walter Caseri, Marco D’Elia and Mirko Magni with Vanessa Wood, ETH’s Vice President for Knowledge Transfer and Corporate Relations. (Photograph: Oliver Bartenschlager / ETH Zurich)

More details in ETH News: English, German


D’Elia Marco F., Magni Mirko, Romanò Thomas, Trasatti Stefano P. M., Niederberger Markus, Caseri Walter R.: Smart Anticorrosion Coatings Based on Poly(phenylene methylene): An Assessment of the Intrinsic Self-Healing Behavior of the Copolymer. Polymers 2022, 14, 3457. DOI:external page 10.3390/polym141734571call_mad

ETH News: English, German