Thomas Weber Receives the Will-Kleber Commemorative Coin

Thomas Weber, the head of the X-ray platform at D-MATL, receives the Will-Kleber Commemorative Coin from the German Society for Crystallography.

Thomas Weber

The external page Will-Kleber Commemorative Coin is awarded annually by the external page German Society for Crystallography for outstanding scientific contributions in selected fields of crystallography. Thomas Weber, head of the X-ray platform at D-MATL, receives the award for his methodological work on the study of disordered crystals using diffuse X-ray scattering.

Disordered crystals are characterized by the fact that they are not strictly long-range ordered, but exhibit local deviations from the perfect translational symmetry of ordered crystals. Knowledge of local order is fundamental to understanding many physical and chemical properties of a material, such as electric and magnetic polarization states, or the tracking of solid-state reactions. Thomas Weber's research results allow better characterisation and easier access to such phenomena.

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