Master’s Degree Graduation Ceremony 2022

The Master’s degree graduation ceremony 2022 in Materials took place on January 14, 2022. It was great to celebrate the graduates together with a limited number of guests in person at ETH Zürich.

by Claudia Sigel
Prize Winners
From left to right: Andrea Scheidegger, Simon Moser and Yuki Meier.

This year’s Willi Studer Prize for the best grade point average within the Master’s degree program was awarded to Andrea Scheidegger for a GPA of 5.90. The ETH Medal was awarded to Simon Moser for his thesis in the group of Prof. Eric Dufresne.

The SVMT Prize was awarded to Yuki Meier for her thesis on Magnetic Kirigami Soft Robots. She also received the Materials Alumni Award for her extracurricular engagement for the benefit of the student body.

We congratulate all the graduates and wish them the best for their future career!

Master Graduates
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