Structured Nanoscale Metallic Glass Fibers

A collaboration between researchers at EPF Lausanne and the ETH Zurich Laboratory of Metal Physics and Technology has shown that thermal drawing of metallic glasses in a polymer matrix generates conducting fibers with arbitrary transverse geometries, micro- and nanoscale feature sizes, and extreme aspect ratios. These fibers will have unique applications in flexible electronics and neuroscience. The results are presented in Nature Nanotechnology.

Structured nanoscale metallic glass fibers
Schematic of a preform assembly for fabrication of metallic glass fibers used in neural stimulation and recording.

Micro- and nanoscale metallic glasses (MGs) offer exciting opportunities in science and technology and have potential applications in micro-engineering, healthcare, microelectronic devices and optics. Thus far, however, the generation of such structured micro- and nanoscale MG fibers has been underexploited due to various scientific and technological challenges, which involve process-induced deformation and size effects that influence the crystallization kinetics and flow behavior of the MG-forming alloy.

In the framework of a collaborative study conducted by various research groups at EPF Lausanne and the ETH Zurich Laboratory of Metal Physics and Technology (LMPT), the authors of the Nature Nanotechnology article report on a scalable approach for producing micro- and nanoscale MGs in a flexible polymer fiber, based on thermal co-drawing of the MG within a polymer matrix of matched rheological properties. The authors demonstrate that the in-fiber electrically conductive MGs produced in this way reveal controllable feature sizes down to a few tens of nanometers and aspect ratios greater than 1010, predisposing them for versatile applications in optoelectronics, smart textiles and neuroscience. One of the latter applications is an implantable MG-based fiber probe that has already been tested in vivo for deployment as a stable brain-machine interface. By deploying the structured nanoscale MGs described, the authors have also been able to determine fundamental properties such as size-dependent flow and size-dependent crystallization at the nanoscale.

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