Max Kory awarded MRS Graduate Student Award
Max Kory, Polymer Chemistry, was recently awarded the MRS Graduate Student Award for a presentation on Emerging Non-Graphene 2D Atomic Layers and van der Waals Solids at the MRS 2014 Fall Meeting in Boston.
Professor of Materials Engineering / Active Materials
The Department of Materials invites applications for a faculty position on all professorial levels in the area of Materials Engineering / Active Materials. Such Active Materials may be engineered by enhancing fundamental materials properties within diverse materials classes (polymers, metals, functional ceramics) or by combining multiple material types in hybrid systems.
SNF Starting Grant for Jennifer Rupp
Jennifer Rupp, Electrochemical Materials, wurde für ihr Projekt «Beyond von-Neuman computing – Materials Functionalization and Integration of Threedimensionally stacked Multiterminal Memristive Oxides Replacing Existing Transistors for Neuromorphic Computing» als eine von drei Forschenden an der ETH Zürich mit einem SNF Starting Grant ausgezeichnet.
Field-induced assembly of colloidal ellipsoids into well-defined microtubules
The design and production of future materials would enormously benefit if we were capable of self-assembling nanostructures with the precision and reliability found in biological self-assembly. Currently there seems to exist a consensus that a successful model for the formation of biological nanostructure such as microtubules or tubular viruses through self-assembly requires a monomer geometry that already has a preferred curvature explicitly built in.
New at ETH: Jan Vermant
Jan Vermant joined the Department of Materials as a professor of Soft Materials in August 2014.
Ralph Spolenak appointed Full Professor
The Department of Materials is happy to announce that on September 17/18, the Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology has appointedRalph Spolenak, currently Accociate Professor, as Full Professor of Nanometallurgy.
World Economic Forum (WEF) in China
Jennifer Rupp, Professor for Electrochemical Materials, presented at the Annual Meeting of the New Champions in China in a special session titled "Discover! New Material Science".
Polymers in Two Dimensions
The ultrathin material graphene is the current favourite of many materials scientists. Materials scientists in the group of Prof. Dieter Schlüter, Professor of Polymer Chemistry, have now managed to create a synthetic polymer that is almost as thin.
At the Frontiers of Magnetism
The smallest possible magnets are the size of a single atom. Now scientists have reached the limits of optimisation of the tiny particles: they have created single atom magnets that are as strong and stable as is physically possible for the class of atoms used.
Spark Award 2014
ETH Zurich’s Spark Award 2014 goes to Professor Jennifer Rupp, Professor for Electrochemical Materials, Sebastian Schweiger and Felix Messerschmitt.