Staudiger-Durrer Medal for Willi Gutmann
The Department of Materials Science honors a special lecturers: The 80-year-old sculptor Willi Gutmann received the Staudiniger-Durrer Meda for his services from Prof. Nicholas Spencer, president of the Research Commission of ETH Zurich.
Andrei A. Gusev was appointed Honory Professor
At its meeting on 11/12 December 2007, the ETH Bard awarded Andrei A. Gusev the title of professor at the ETH Zurich. Congratulations!
Heuberger Winterthur Young Entrepreneurs Prize for Marco Siegrist
The company Advanced Metal Technology AG is one of this year's winners of the Heuberger Winterthur Young Entrepreneurs Prize, which carries prize money of CHF 100,000. The company is headed by Marco Siegrist, a former postdoctoral fellow at Metal Physics and Technology of Professor Jörg Löffler.
Prof. Walter Caseri was awarded the Golden Owl 2007
The Golden Owl is a sympathy prize of the students to the lecturers at ETH and will be presented at the ETH Day by the association of students of the ETH Zurich (VSETH). One prize per department will be awarded.
Breck Award for Dr. L. McCusker and Dr. Ch. Baerlocher
Dr. L. McCusker and Dr. Ch. Baerlocher received the Breck Award for their outstanding contribution to the structural elucidation of inorganic molecular sieves.
Prof. J. Löffler apointed Full Professor
On 2/3 October 2007 the ETH Board appointed Prof. J. Löffler full professor of Metal Physics and Technology. Congratulations.
Royal Society of Chemistry
The Department of Materials is pleased to announce that Professor Nicholas D. Spencer has been admitted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) for his achievements in advancing chemical science.
Cooperation between Bobsleigh Federation, industry and ETH Zurich
The Swiss Bobsleigh Federation launched the new project "CITIUS" for faster carriages with partners from industry and ETH Zurich.
Structure of the Polycrystalline Zeolite Catalyst IM-5 Solved by Enhanced Charge Flipping
A synthetic zeolite has guarded the secret of its structure for ten years. ETH Zurich scientists have now successfully elucidated the mineral’s complicated makeup. This feat will inspire research into other complex crystal structures.