Golden Owl Award
Prof. Peter Uggowitzer receives the Golden Owl 2005 for his rhetoric talent and very enthusiastic type of lectures. He can inspire the students for the subject; important things are visually explaind to make the topic easier to understand.
Honorary Doctorate for Prof. Urs Meier
The Royal Military College of Canada has bestowed an honorary doctorate on the Empa’s Deputy Director, Prof. Urs Meier, the first such award to an Empa staff member for 38 years.
Staudinger Durrer Prize for Dawn Bonnell
Dawn Bonnell has been awarded the Staudinger Durrer Prize in recognition of her pioneering research in the area of nanometer-scale phenomena of complex materials.
Mirko-Roš-Awards for Doris Spori
Empa is celebrating its 125th anniversary. At the official ceremony, on 24 June 2005, the Emap awarded the first time the Mirko-Roš-Award for excellence in materials science and engineering.
Science Award for Prof. Ralph Spolenak
Prof. E. Arzt, Prof. H. Gao, Dr. S. Gorb from the MPI for Metals Research, Stuttgart and Prof. R. Spolenak jointly received the `Wissenschaftspreis des Stifterverbandes 2005` on June 23rd for their work on natural adhesive micro and nanostructures and their biomimetic artificial counterparts.
ETHistory online
Touring 150 Years of ETH History.
Masing Prize for Prof. J.F. Löffler

At the annual meeting of the German Society for Materials selected persons are honored for their outstanding achievements in the area of materials science. Jörg F. Löffler is the recipient of the Masing Memorial Prize 2004, to be presented in May 2005.
Masing Memorial Prize 2004
At the annual meeting of the German Society for Materials selected persons are honored for their outstanding achievements in the area of materials science. Jörg F. Löffler is the recipient of the Masing Memorial Prize 2004, to be presented in May 2005.