Progress report and annual status conversation

Doctoral students who have been definitively admitted put together an annual progress report on the status of their research project and future plans. Significant deviations from the doctoral plan must be indicated. The progress report is discussed at the annual status conversation.

The annual status conversation consists of two separate parts:

  1. Academic progress (basis: progress report)
  2. Appraisal, career and personal development

In the first part, the progress report is presented and discussed with the doctoral thesis supervisor and the second advisor. Other persons may also participate. The second part is a development discussion that includes mutual feedback and the further development of competences. This part is conducted confidentially between the doctoral thesis supervisor and the doctoral student.

It is the responsibility of the doctoral student and doctoral thesis supervisor that signed copies of the progress report and the result of the annual status conversation are kept until the completion of the doctorate.


Study Administration
  • +41 44 632 25 20

ETH Zurich
Department of Materials
Leopold-Ruzicka-Weg 4
HCP F 33.1
8093 Zurich

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