Doctoral Studies
All doctoral students must complete regular doctoral studies of at least 12 ECTS credits.
For obtaining ECTS credits, either a performance assessment must be passed or a verifiable contribution must be made. Generally, 1 ECTS credit corresponds to 25 to 30 hours of work. Different conditions to what requirements must be fulfilled apply depending on when you started your doctoral studies (see below).
Doctoral students that study under the old doctoral ordinance must obtain the confirmation for the completion of the doctoral studies from the D-MATL study administration at least 3 months before the exam registration. If the requirements of the doctoral studies are not met, the examination needs to be postponed. Therefore, it is recommended to obtain the confirmation of acquired credits for doctoral studies as early as possible.
Doctoral students that study under the new doctoral ordinance must request the completion of doctoral studies via myStudies. It is recommended that this is done at least 3 months before the exam registration.
At least 8 credit points must be earned with courses or seminars. At least 4 credit points must be acquired outside the field of research (details can be found in the table below).
Credits from the following courses are considered "outside the field of research” and need no confirmation from the supervisor:
- language courses
- course on scientific writing (e.g. 327-0721-00 Writing for Publication in Materials Science)
- management courses
- GESS courses (philosophy, politics, ethics, history…)
Credits from all other courses that should be counted as "outside the field of research" need confirmation by the supervisor. For questions please contact the D-MATL study administration.
Credits that do not show up in your myStudies account and for which you didn't receive an official course confirmation, can be collected on the following document: confirmation of attendance (signed by your supervisor).
At least 8 credit points must be earned with courses or seminars. At least 4 credit points must be acquired outside the field of research (details can be found in the table below).
Credits from the following courses are considered "outside the field of research” and need no confirmation from the supervisor:
- language courses
- course on scientific writing (e.g. 327-0721-00 Writing for Publication in Materials Science)
- management courses
- GESS courses (philosophy, politics, ethics, history…)
Credits from all other courses that should be counted as "outside the field of research" need confirmation by the supervisor. For questions please contact the D-MATL study administration.
Credits that do not show up in your myStudies account and for which you didn't receive an official course confirmation, can be collected on the following document: confirmation of attendance (signed by your supervisor).
Doctoral students must obtain at least one credit point in each of the following areas:
- Deepening and broadening of knowledge within and outside the research area of the doctoral thesis
- Acquisition of transferable skills (e.g. ethics, scientific writing, management)
- Integration into the scientific community
All doctoral students at ETH Zurich must obtain at least 1 ECTS credit on the topic of good scientific practice and ethics. The MaP Doctoral School offers a course that is tailor made for doctoral students in Materials (327-2226-00 Ethics and Scientific Integrity for Doctoral Students).
At D-MATL the following additional requirements apply:
- At least 8 ECTS must be obtained within the ETH domain.
- At least 8 ECTS must be acquired through the attendance of courses or summer/winter schools.
- At least 1 ECTS must be obtained through a scientific writing course (for example 327-0721-00 Writing for Publication in Materials Science or 327-2229-00 From Idea to Submission: The Scientific Writing Process (MaP Dr School)).
As specified in the Rector’s implementation provisions in section 10.3 the following additional specifications apply.
Adaptable course units can be found in the course catalogue under Doctorate Materials Science - Integration into Scientific Community (for Summer/Winter Schools and conference attendance) and Transferable Skills (for transferable skills courses and participation in commission). Please register for them via myStudies and have them approved by your doctoral thesis supervisor.
ETH Zurich
Department of Materials
Leopold-Ruzicka-Weg 4
HCP F 33.1